"We're called to use our gifts to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace."
~ 1 Peter 4:10

Do you have a musical gift you would like to share with us? Or are you not gifted musically but could glorify the Lord through your technological savvy?
If you answered yes to either of those questions, please consider joining our worship team. You will be an active and vital part of leading worship on Sunday morning. This can take the form of singing, playing an instrument, or running sound, slideshows, or video equipment.
Click the button below to let our Worship Leader know how you would like to be involved.

Do you have a passion for training up the next generation in a firm and growing knowledge of our Lord and His Word? Plug into one of our children's ministries listed below:
Nursery (ages 6mo-4): Sunday or Wednesday
Sunday School (K-5): Sunday 9:15-10:15
Grow Zone (K-5): Wednesday 6:00-7:45
Youth Group (6-12): Wednesday 6:00-7:45
There are various other opportunities throughout the year for VBS and special events. The main requirement is a love for kids and a love for the Lord. Come serve with us!
* children's ministry volunteers are all screened. To serve in the children's ministries please print the application below, fill it out, and return it to the church office.

If you are a caring and compassionate person who seeks to serve those in distress, Path to Home could be an excellent fit for you.
Once a quarter we partner with New Pathways to host some families for a week. There are various ways to serve including making meals, setting up rooms, custodial support, and even overnight hosting.
For more information on New Pathways click below.
Contact the church office if you would like to participate in this exciting ministry opportunity!