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Stepan Artemyev
Stepan Artemyev

How to Practice Error Identification for TOEFL

How to Practice Error Identification for TOEFL

Error identification is one of the skills tested in the TOEFL exam, especially in the writing and speaking sections. Error identification involves finding and correcting grammatical, lexical, or punctuation mistakes in sentences or texts. It requires a good knowledge of standard American English rules and conventions, as well as an ability to spot common errors that may affect clarity and accuracy.



There are many sources of error identification practice for TOEFL, such as textbooks, websites, apps, or online courses. However, not all of them are equally reliable or effective. Some may contain outdated or incorrect information, while others may not cover all the types of errors that may appear on the TOEFL exam. Therefore, it is important to choose your practice materials carefully and use them wisely.

Here are some tips on how to practice error identification for TOEFL:

  • Choose practice materials that are based on authentic TOEFL questions or texts. You can find some examples of error identification questions in the official TOEFL guides or practice tests[^1^] [^2^], or in reputable TOEFL preparation books or websites[^3^] [^4^]. These materials will help you familiarize yourself with the format and difficulty level of the TOEFL exam, as well as the types of errors that are commonly tested.

  • Review the rules and explanations for each error that you encounter. Don't just rely on your intuition or guesswork when identifying errors. Make sure you understand why a certain word or phrase is wrong and how to correct it. You can use grammar books, dictionaries, or online resources to look up the rules and examples for each error. You can also check the answer keys or feedback provided by some practice materials to see if your corrections are correct.

  • Practice regularly and systematically. Don't cram all your error identification practice into one session or skip it altogether. Error identification is a skill that needs constant practice and reinforcement. Try to allocate some time every day or every week to work on error identification exercises. You can also vary your practice by using different types of texts (e.g., academic, general, formal, informal) and different types of errors (e.g., subject-verb agreement, word order, verb tense, pronoun reference, etc.).

  • Monitor your progress and learn from your mistakes. Keep track of your scores and accuracy rates on error identification exercises. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving your weak areas. Review your errors and try to avoid repeating them in the future. You can also compare your answers with those of other students or teachers and learn from their feedback or corrections.

By following these tips, you can improve your error identification skills and boost your confidence and performance on the TOEFL exam.

Here are some examples of error identification questions that you may encounter on the TOEFL exam:

Although the student body continue to get smaller, the superintendent insists that the high school is thriving. No error.

  • The error is in the underlined part A. The subject "the student body" is singular, so the verb should be "continues" instead of "continue". The correct sentence is: Although the student body continues to get smaller, the superintendent insists that the high school is thriving.

Smoking is the number one prevent cause of death in the United States. No error.

  • The error is in the underlined part B. The word "prevent" should be "preventable" to modify the noun "cause". The correct sentence is: Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the United States.

If you will buy one box at the regular price, you would receive another one at no extra cost. No error.

  • The error is in the underlined part B. The conditional sentence should use "if" + simple present tense in the first clause and "would" + base form of verb in the second clause. The correct sentence is: If you buy one box at the regular price, you would receive another one at no extra cost.

The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired. No error.

  • The error is in the underlined part D. The phrase "in need of" should be followed by a noun or a gerund, not an infinitive. The correct sentence is: The equipment in the office was badly in need of repair or The equipment in the office was badly in need of being repaired.

The governor has not decided how to deal with the new problems already. No error.

  • The error is in the underlined part E. The word "already" should be placed before "has" to modify the verb phrase "has not decided". The correct sentence is: The governor already has not decided how to deal with the new problems.

You can find more error identification exercises online or in books and practice them regularly to improve your TOEFL score. e0e6b7cb5c


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