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Public·68 members
Stepan Artemyev
Stepan Artemyev


Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.


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Just promoting healthy choices won't eliminate these and other health disparities. Instead, public health organizations and their partners in sectors like education, transportation, and housing need to take action to improve the conditions in people's environments.

A people is any plurality of persons considered as a whole. Used in politics and law, the term "a people" refers to the collective or community of an ethnic group or nation.[1] The term "the people" refers to the public or common mass of people of a polity.[1] As such it is a concept of human rights law, international law as well as constitutional law, particularly used for claims of popular sovereignty.

Chapter One, Article One of the Charter of the United Nations states that "peoples" have the right to self-determination.[2] Though the mere status as peoples and the right to self-determination, as for example in the case of Indigenous peoples (peoples, as in all groups of indigenous people, not merely all indigenous persons as in indigenous people), does not automatically provide for independent sovereignty and therefore secession.[3][4] Particularly through international Indigenous peoples rights, it was defined what a people constitutes (e.g. shared culture etc.).

The political theory underlying this format is that criminal prosecutions are brought in the name of the sovereign; thus, in these U.S. states, the "people" are judged to be the sovereign, even as in the United Kingdom and other dependencies of the British Crown, criminal prosecutions are typically brought in the name of the Crown. "The people" identifies the entire body of the citizens of a jurisdiction invested with political power or gathered for political purposes.[7]

For example, suppose that the authenticated user, Jen, has Fabian and Ranjith inher private contacts. When your app callspeople.connections.list to read alist of her connections, Jen is presented with a consent screen asking to givethe app access to the list. If Jen consents, the app reads a list containingperson resources for Fabian and Ranjith.

The app can also manage contacts by creating new contacts usingpeople.createContact, update existingcontacts it has read frompeople.connections.list usingpeople.updateContact, and delete contactsusing people.deleteContact.

The Indiana Governor's Council for People with Disabilities (GCPD) seeks to improve the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Indiana by strategically funding grants, influencing public policy, and training people with disabilities and their family members to more effectively communicate and advocate for themselves and their communities. GCPD works to ensure that people with disabilities can live independent and productive lives in the community with the supports and services that they need to maximize their potential.

Promote inclusion in your community and help people with developmental disabilities find employment, ease their transition from school into community living, invite them to your place of worship, or take a person into your home and care for them as a Family Care Provider.

OPWDD holds quarterly public meetings to share new information about services and supports, and to provide the people we support, their family members and the people who support them the opportunity to provide feedback.

City and county officials in charge of jail populations also failed to make the obvious choices to safely reduce populations. Legally innocent people awaiting trial in jail made up an even larger share of jail populations in both 2020 and 2021, when they should have been the first people released and diverted to depopulate crowded facilities.2 Jails also continued to hold large numbers of people for low-level offenses despite the high risk of viral transmission in jails. In both 2020 and 2021, about 1 in 4 people in jail was held for a misdemeanor or civil infraction, and about 1 in 5 had violated a condition of their probation or parole supervision.3

To understand the main drivers of incarceration, the public needs to see how many people are incarcerated for different offense types. But the reported offense data oversimplifies how people interact with the criminal justice system in two important ways: it reports only one offense category per person, and it reflects the outcome of the legal process, obscuring important details of actual events.

A related question is whether it matters what the post-release offense is. For example, 69% of people imprisoned for a violent offense are rearrested within 5 years of release, but only 44% are rearrested for another violent offense; they are much more likely to be rearrested for a public order offense. If someone convicted of robbery is arrested years later for a liquor law violation, it makes no sense to view this very different, much less serious, offense the same way we would another arrest for robbery.

A final note about recidivism: While policymakers frequently cite reducing recidivism as a priority, few states collect the data that would allow them to monitor and improve their own performance in real time. For example, the Council of State Governments asked correctional systems what kind of recidivism data they collect and publish for people leaving prison and people starting probation. What they found is that states typically track just one measure of post-release recidivism, and few states track recidivism while on probation at all:

Sadly, most state officials ignored this evidence even as the pandemic made obvious the need to reduce the number of people trapped in prisons and jails, where COVID-19 ran rampant. Instead of considering the release of people based on their age or individual circumstances, most officials categorically refused to consider people convicted of violent or sexual offenses, dramatically reducing the number of people eligible for earlier release.17

People with developmental disabilities should have the same choices and opportunities as all Wisconsinites. To do that, we need to change how people think. Find out how you can join in across Wisconsin!

Population in the world is, as of 2022, growing at a rate of around 0.84% per year (down from 1.05% in 2020, 1.08% in 2019, 1.10% in 2018, and 1.12% in 2017). The current population increase is estimated at 67 million people per year.

Our Animal Poison Control Center experts have put together a handy list of the top toxic people foods to avoid feeding your pet. As always, if you suspect your pet has eaten any of the following foods, please note the amount ingested and contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and are an important tool for ending the global pandemic. Vaccines protect you and the people around you, reducing the spread of COVID-19. Learn more at Learn more at

The City of Chicago welcomes all City residents and nearly 60 million visitors annually, many who have disabilities. Due to the disability community being undercounted in the U.S. Census, the number of people with disabilities served by the City of Chicago and MOPD greatly exceeds the 300,000 people recorded in the U.S. Census.

Alzheimer's takes a devastating toll on caregivers. Compared with caregivers of people without dementia, twice as many caregivers of those with dementia indicate substantial emotional, financial and physical difficulties.

If those with cognitive concerns overcome their hesitations, the first medical professional many people approach is their primary care provider. But PCPs report lack of time and confidence in diagnosing and caring for people with Alzheimer's or another dementia. Instead, they refer patients to specialists, who may or may not be accessible. The shortage of specialists or specialists who are at capacity and no longer accepting new patients is likely to have the most immediate and obvious impact on people at the MCI phase of Alzheimer's disease who may be eligible for newly-approved treatments.

Billions of people around the world are continuing to suffer from poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene, according to a new report by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Some 2.2 billion people around the world do not have safely managed* drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion lack basic** handwashing facilities.

The report reveals that 1.8 billion people have gained access to basic drinking water services since 2000, but there are vast inequalities in the accessibility, availability and quality of these services. It is estimated that 1 in 10 people (785 million) still lack basic services, including the 144 million who drink untreated surface water. The data shows that 8 in 10 people living in rural areas lacked access to these services and in one in four countries with estimates for different wealth groups, coverage of basic services among the richest was at least twice as high as among the poorest.

The report also says that 2.1 billion people have gained access to basic sanitation services since 2000 but in many parts of the world the wastes produced are not safely managed. It also reveals that 2 billion people still lack basic sanitation, among whom 7 out of 10 live in rural areas and one third live in the Least Developed Countries.

Finally, the report highlights new data showing 3 billion people lack basic handwashing facilities with soap and water at home in 2017. It also shows that nearly three quarters of the population of the Least Developed Countries did not have basic handwashing facilities. Every year, 297 000 children under 5 years die due to diarrhea linked to inadequate WASH. Poor sanitation and contaminated water are also linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, and typhoid. 041b061a72


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